Farm Babe: Why you should feel comfortable with the safety of our meat supply – AGDAILY.COM



I had the most fascinating experience the other day! I wanted to learn more about how thoroughly meat is inspected so I took some time to interact with a food safety inspector and ask questions. We were taking some livestock in for our customers and much to my surprise, I got to watch them butcher and inspect the cattle! Boy is it in-depth and interesting.

First off, the inspector wears the cleanest, whitest pants you could imagine. A clean, white hard had and hair net. From a first impression standpoint, it shows a level of cleanliness and pride. (He obviously wears an apron during the inspection part.) All the equipment is inspected and knives and such are repeatedly sanitized throughout the process.

Read entire article here.


Farm Babe: Why you should feel comfortable with the safety of our meat supply


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